# This is a comment. It is not executed by the Python interpreter.

# Comments are used to provide explanations or notes in the code.

print("Hello, World!")

# The print() function is used to display output. Here, it prints the string "Hello, World!".

# The string is enclosed in double quotes ("") to indicate it is a sequence of characters.


1. Comments: Comments in Python begin with a hash symbol (#). They are not executed by the Python interpreter and are used to provide explanations or notes in the code. In this example, we have two comments explaining their purpose.

2. print() function: The `print()` function in Python is used to display output on the console. It takes one or more arguments and prints them as text. In this case, we provide a single argument: the string `"Hello, World!"`.

3. String: In Python, a string is a sequence of characters enclosed in either single quotes ('') or double quotes (""). In this program, we use double quotes to define the string `"Hello, World!"`. The string represents the text we want to display as output.

When you run this program, it will print the message "Hello, World!" on the console, demonstrating the basic functionality of the `print()` function.